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Benefits (DLA)

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Bob906 | 13:39 Tue 22nd Jul 2008 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
When you make a claim for DLA and it is turned down, you ask them to look at it again, then if you are successful when do you get back paid from, the date of the original application or the date when you asked them to look at it again


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I had mine stopped, it was then re-instated and backdated to the time it was stopped from. I beleive it will go from your original request.
By asking them to look at it again do you mean you appeal against the decision? If it is an appeal and you win you should get back paid from the date of the original application
It is backdated to when you first applied.
Probably take a couple of weeks before you receive payment.
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Thanks it was an appeal to be supported with a doctors letter.
yes, as above - i appealed and it took some considerable months but then when they agreed it i got a lump sum from the back pay for the original application - and then carried on monthly

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Benefits (DLA)

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