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4getmenot | 16:39 Tue 22nd Jul 2008 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
where are all the fun people with interesting questions, people that dont just want to participate in a post just to argue, whats the point. Come on guys all I've seen today is just constant pettiness.


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who is arguing?
Question Author
drisgirl post is full of it
Do you remember two years ago, 4get? They were the days... :)
yes who is arguing? why is it when

someone respond to another, whether

writing or verbally conversing people

say you are arguing? isn't that called


how's the baby 4get?
yes it is because she physically threatened me after accusing me of cloning her. I was shocked myself.
Question Author
baby what baby? I wouldnt call conversation telling someone to grow up blah blah blah. Its just boring
i remember 2 years ago. It was dull. but now its a bit crazy.
Oh grow up 4get, and think of your children and all their fathers!

Question Author
oh get back to work oct!!! lol
At least I�ve got a job!
now you looking for trouble Octavius.

she could claim child suppport

off you, saying you are one of the fathers. lol
Question Author
again what baby teneref?
That is the subject of a pending dispute and I am not at liberty to discuss any matters of that case before it goes to court. 4get, are you saying that I am fighting a paternity suit and paying �maintenance� and there is no baby?
better have your paperwork and proof

of each months check in order for

when the time come to show everything

to the court.
Question Author
cant answer me hey?
Question Author
oct you know I wouldnt lie to you
now you sounding desperate and guilty.
Question Author
would have to be
The fun people are back, and we're READY TO PLAY !!

Oh yeah.

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