Me and my friend were discussing eachother and both think we come across as very strong independent women, who know there own minds and speak there mind when necessary....we was laughing about it saying how we must come across terrible at times...are most women out there like this, cos we couldnt stand being the old mother hen type and there seems to be a lot of them! and what do men think of strong minded women out of curiosity?
Apparantly when my husband was just 3 years old a total stranger commented to his Mum, and I quote, "He looks like a strong woman's full time job" Pity no one told me this until 6 months after our wedding last year, by which time I was getting an inkling!
Boogie, I have to apologise for my earlier comment now. Your "what a woman needs is children" post made me think that you thought women actually need a man or having children to make them complete. I now understand, I think, that you meant women can do it all without men, and I agree that bringing up children properly is the most difficult job anyone could ever have. However, not every woman WANTS children, and making a decent life for oneself is also an incredible achievement.
True cazz -I can see where youre coming from -think its gentetic -I have always been a strong willed person.I didnt want children or any of that nonsense but when we decided to have our first -just for an experiment -that was me -I crumbled -my children- as is apparent are my achilles heel -so I can see where you come from that a mother hen type is not steriotypical and shouldnt be deemed as such.I have witnessed -as i live next the promary school women who seem beleaguered in their role and the only chats they have are about home and husbands and dogs -i know as they stand outside my living room window every bleeding day -its like groundog day lol !
Think where lil was going that a lot of men are taken aback at how non-steriotypical women are nowadays and are not afraid to show it.If men per sae compare their mums to todays younger women then I think they are in for a shock -its very much equal now.(honestly my kids being an exception as i worked F/T and never gave up my career -and only had a few months off with each of them -its made them very independant though and we are all very close -no damage there -only prob is J is like me -so I can see why i irritate people -cos she bugs me lol)
Women in general are fabulously strong!
Having worked in close contact with women (beauty salon) for more years than I'd care to mention, I have seen first hand how they cope so admirably with everything! Even the 'meek' keep it all together when their husbands die....they just get on with it! Don't ever be fooled by the 'girly wimp' ...if push came to shove, she would exist very well on her own two feet.
Being strong and independent can exist together or as separate entities.
I was placed in a position a few weeks back (marital) -he thought he had me by the female equivelent and I tell ya when a woman is faced with adverisity they come out fighting -I had 3 jobs within a week.I was entirely self suficient and that also took in the trip to where he stays in England with his worldy goods -when before I couldnt drive 20 miles because of effing motorways.I was focused and now -well we'll see -he sees me yet again in an entirely differnet light !! I even surprised myself -I am empowered -lol !!
No need to appologise max my words were probably insulting they get like that when I'm hungry. Having children isn't the only thing a woman can want as you say a sucessful career is some great achievement. I think I just have issues with superficiality, for someone to want nothing more than clothing, shoes and a soft top car, well they are every advertisers dream, I find it quite sad they don't rate or think about: laughing, helping others, feeling secure etc etc.. which is far more valuable than wrapping oneself in material goods to project an image of themselves. That was all.