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dabees - it didn't happen

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sir.prize | 20:59 Tue 22nd Jul 2008 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
Remember during the weekend you were boasting how you found out how to zap a thread. And you had told the Ed how it was done. And Monday morning it would be sorted. And, it wasn't. And it is Wednesday tomorrow.

Did your problem keyboard take over your brain . . . .

Mon 26/09/05
Sorry, dabees's got a funny keyboard.....

Seems like the funniness spread to your brain.

That is what I meant by <bullsh!t personified. Got it? Good.


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well I read that as well, I assumed from what dabees had said that the monday morning deadline was only assuming there would be prompt action on the part of the AB ED.

I will admit Im not impressed with the ED's "changes" since her last post promising improvements
You're very amusing, now post some proof.
Yea sir.prize I pointed that out to the plank as well earlier on
but surely the AB Ed should be doing something about all this? at least banning if nothing else?
You are also very amusing dabees now prove that you have found out how to do it then and do it moron.

Ha Ha what a plank
Let me get this straight.....

I find out how someone is ruining this site by getting posts removed, i inform the ed by email on a Sunday evening and say it should be sorted on monday.

The Ed and techies either take no notice or have problems sorting it.

And all this rubbish is my fault?

I hope you suffer it for years till this place is like a ghost town.
Yep Dabees - as I have said previously... bye bye CB (soon) - unless people really want it to stay. I think there are some users on here who actually enjoy messing it up for everyone, talk about ****ing on your own doorstep... fools !
Good, at last people are talking proof, that's what we need on here PROOF.

But then you have the problem jugglering of folk migrating back to other categories to chat, the whole reason why CB was reinstated in the first place.

Surely the solution would be an Ed who actually delivers on what they promise? To stamp out the nonsence that's been allowed to happen.

I'm no techie, but surely it can't be that bloody hard to sort out can it? Isn't that was an Editor's supposed to do- to edit things???
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It beggars belief that you even zapped a couple of threads yourself to test your theory. That is not YOUR job. You don't get it do you, you numpty? Leave the technical side to the techies, and you concentrate on getting your funny keyboard put right. That quote in my post was dated 2005 or didn't your emember?
boo are they talking about me
It's the techies job is it sir? They've proved their ability to sort things out, haven't they?

2005!!!! OMG get a life.
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Hi Bob - don't tell me you have a hole in your orange bucket!!!!!
Oh poor old you Babees you are such the innocent goody goody on here aint you, butter would not melt in your mouth and nor yours whiffy so come on then big men get me banned again why dont you and that will make you feel oh so jolly wont it.

Sorry whiffy without an e and Babees but the tide has turned on you two and is now gushing in around your scrawny litte necks
Remind me how old you are Knobby, i'd be upset if my 8 year old acted as childish as you.
Answered in your post Bob :-)

Why do you call his Babees nutty?

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