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I probably can - being talented an'all - but you'll have to tell me what 'it' is as I can't open these things at work.
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It's an advert for an American hamburger. The lady demonstrates that she can eat a big burger by putting her whole fist into her mouth.
Well I do have a big fist, but I imagine it would fit in her mouth with a few pushes.
baby CRX can do it!
Probably a talent inherited from mother and aunty.
Yuk, hope she washed her hands!!!
and I can
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4get ... REALLY ?????????????
aunty, Octavius! not me. I rarely try and see what i can get in my mouth
Yes, sometimes what comes out of it is bad enough!
Aunty is a bad influence. Is she still allowed near children?
oh yes, especially when a baby sitter is required. Needs must and all that :)
Oh, so does still have some use then.
Looks like you have been trawling youtube for ******* videos.
Weren't you coming over all moralistic about dating a couple of days ago?

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bet you can't do this !

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