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Eve | 00:11 Fri 25th Jul 2008 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
Just back from a work office opening party and soooo knackered and a wee bit tipsy (the ulcer is not impressed haha).

Am thinking I should have made the more of the buffet as well as champagne supping and chatting to clients (crayfish didn't appeal...yuk...) as I have a feeling that my 7am start tomorrow may be a bit of a struggle.

Am teaing and hot buttered toasting it in an attempt to mitigate the damage.

How was you night?


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Good you, Jenna.

Love it.

-- answer removed --
I've just been watching the usual tripe on TV and eating loads of bread and humous which I got at reduced prices from Sainsbury's today.
Question Author
Soo knackered as been doing 7am starts but have made some new friends, agreed to volunteer as a community youth criminal justice panel and have been told I have to get myself out with them to celebrate my new single ifestyle :)
Toast with Pumpkin seed butter here.....yummyy!!!
Have your toast and cuppa and then go to bed . You are knackered but will feel better in the morning.
(takes off bossy hat)
Nite nite
childrens panel?
I've been excited because I've been sorting out my London trip - which, by the way, may I say - WHOO HOO!!

Oh, and my daughter came home from her school trip, which isn't actually a great thing as she started moaning the minute she walked through the door....
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Hello everyone :)

Yes, children's panel helping out as a volunteer. Really miss all my voluntary work and this would fit in far more with my job so sounds like a great possibility.

Just finishing my tea then to my bed for me :)
hate childrens panel think they have all the answers not!!!, has your child been in front of these people age range 92 to 18!!!!
My night was going well until I got home, switched on the PC and read an email from a stupid woman who I thought was a friend. I've replied too, and I'll probably regret it later on. At least my husband finds it all funny.
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I don't have any children, just met some people who help out and asked if I would and been wanting to get nback to giving something back to the community for a while.

I'm to my bed, night night all, mwah xxx
Night Jenna xxx
Nite nite, mind the bed bugs don't bite
no jenna you have to apply for the job, not just meet friends what hokum!!!!
Question Author
I am applying, that's what we were talking about as som eof the youth offending tem were there.

They are sending me all the details today so I can apply to be a volunteer.
How's the head this morning, Jenna?
Question Author
Not bad actually, more tired and achey more than anything :)

Have got a Starbucks drip on :)

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