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Can I clear the air

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frankofile | 21:33 Fri 25th Jul 2008 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
I discovererd answerbank about 6 weeks ago It is really useful, cat's baldness, daughters sinusitus, But I also enjoyed chatterbank, hey I thought , heres a laugh, but there are so many IN jokes and weirdses, that I feel alienated . Seems to me that a few people control all the jokes. Please let some outsiders in, we just want to be friends


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How long have you got?
It's quite complicated - best not get involved...
I very rarely visit Chatterbank. It's too much of a clique and most of the posts are either random nonsense or people having a go at each other.

Still, at least it keeps it away from other parts of the board.
lol frankofile Ive been here years and I dont get half the jokes. I cant see how anyone is stopping someone coming in though hi btw :)
No, get involved, but be prepared to deal with really strange stuff. For example, one of the users is a gibbon, another is a big fat git. It's all good fun though.
Hi frank! Hope you don't feel alienated! Everyone is welcome! xxx
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Thankx all, So you are sort of answering my question, Whiffey, Hippey hoppey and Square bear. Why should I be excluded from the fun if I think I have something to contribute. Isn't it open to all?
Basically - there are a few that don't get on. If you post a question and they pounce on it you'll not get any sensible answers. Look out for Legend (or derivates of) and Knobby (ditto) amongst'll get the drift...everyone's welome, there are some lovely people on here - me (obviously), Pixi, sachs, to name a few.. just join in and if a thread gets nasty stay away..
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Thankx Hippy Hoopy, but i.m still an innocent abroad. Why Do these people enjoy ruining it for eveyone else??
Welcome Frank. Dont listen to other people warning you off folk. Stick around and make up your own mind. You may well agree with some of the above warnings or you may not. Just don't let others sway you. En#ven some of the badduns have a good day once in a while and managed to redeem themselves, at least for a short while. And if you dont get the joke then feel free to ask, and i am sure someone will explain it to you. Good luck and have fun with it and in CB try not to take things too seriously. I dont and find half the arguments more entertaining than the straight forward threads.
Yes, welcome Frank. And enjoy. But don't take things literally; there are some real odd dudes. Don't believe all you read. The one calling others gibbons and big fat gits is a prime example.

Eg: yesterday he was in moan mode and said:

Thurs 24/07/08

18.34 . . . I'm fed up with this place, so I'm off to Facebook. I don't think I will ever come back to AB

Now Friday 21.07 AND HE'S STILL HERE. Good fun innit?

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