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Boot fair - price stickers or not?

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evedawn | 21:47 Fri 25th Jul 2008 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
doing a boot fair tomorrow. Do you think I should preprice the goods first (not each tiny individual item but say maybe do signs saying things like clothes �1.00 - �3.00 / Books 50p / DVD's �1.50 etc?

Or just leave it and waith for people to ask?

Only done one boot fair before but got another load enuff for about 3 more fairs!!!



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Hi eve - Don't bother pricing things up, people like to haggle! Just go with the flow, if you think a price is fair. If not, stick to your guns! xxx
In my limited experience - if the stall is too organised people steer well clear!! My friend had some clothes all hung up on a rail and no-one even looked. when she chucked them all on the table there were swarms of people flocking over them!! Also, be prepared to haggle. Don't flog something for the first price...
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I agree. Have an idea about what you want to charge but the best part of a boot sale is haggling.
I know I've said it before, please don't dump your left overs on your local charity shop, they pay trade waste charges for removal of waste. Last yer it cost me �2700 which should have gone to charity!
Yea wizard is right if i dont see a price on something in a boot sale I wont be bothered to ask as well as if they cant be bothered to put a price on something then I cant be bothered to ask
Not been to a boot sale for ages but Im half and half on stickers. I really hate asking how much all the time but on the other hand sometimes its nice to find a little unpriced treasure and ask hopefully 'how much for this?'
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okay thanks to all you peeps who replied...seems a bit of a mixture of opinion. wish me luck with getting our "fun money" for an upcoming weekend to Paris

hope you all have a good night tonight and a brill day tomorrow...
I have only ever been to one car boot sale in my life and it was full of Asians trying to knock down some God-awful toy or item of clothing from the original 20p to 5p or something.

And there were loads of people buying all the CDs and clothes and then selling them on their stall for double the money.

But I recall it was a cold day and the tea wagon served a blinding bacon buttie.

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Boot fair - price stickers or not?

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