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Kin ell

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knobster | 22:52 Fri 25th Jul 2008 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
Just watching police interceptors on sky and a chase has just been shown on the A 13 near us and as the chase went on they gradually got near us and then they turned into a road near us and then they turned again getting even near us and low and behold they just went past our turning.

Well thank god they did not come down here.

My god that was so weird watching that it was like driving home


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rough area??!!!!
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oap not leg
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Hi knobby! were you in the car being chased hun?!! x
All that expense when they could have just come on here to get you
Lol @ terambulan.

You've had an eventful day then knobby?
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Hya icy how you hanging stalagmite or stalatight
Lol! Just flopped on the chair I'm afraid. Got toothache starting. ALL I need!

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Kin ell

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