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mrs.chappie | 00:39 Sun 27th Jul 2008 | ChatterBank
32 Answers
Do you rinse out all the tins and the milk containers before you put them in the recycling bin?


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Coastal weather ??? I live on the pennines its misty for 90% of the year.
Just one more bit of information before I'm off to beddy bies, I don't have mains water, we have a well and septic tank, all my water is provided by rain fall, also we have holding tanks in case of drought. Even the garden gets watered from the well, I am an experts on water saving as in a heat wave(which are getting less every year) we sometimes have no water at all.
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Hey puss, my OH is so keen on saving water, he stands a bucket in the shower and flushes the loo with the water that would've gone down the plughole. Can ya beat that? lol.
must be the wrong puss lol
I think Mr.chappie is spot on, people who just turn the tap on willy nilly don't realise how precious water is.
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Puss, I take the bucket in the shower with me too. I only half-fill it though, whereas Mr.C ends up with a full bucket. Folk who don't know us very well might think we're a bit eccentric - we're not, we just don't like waste!


hope you are joking, standing in a bucket in the shower?
Hi there all! yes - I'm afraid i'm very good with washing out old cans and bottles etc., but I waste an awful lot of water!
Hey noknow,I just posted a reply on my thread earlier.I hope you read it,as I gave rcl 3 stars.
I save water sharing a shower with my mistress!
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Rtaxron, nope I am not joking, but we don't actually stand in the bucket, we just stand it in the shower enclosure as we take a shower!

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