Dalmatians in The AnswerBank: Animals & Nature
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c3111068 | 11:38 Tue 01st Feb 2005 | Animals & Nature
6 Answers
There is a characteristic about dalmatians apparently, that they are totally daft, and cant learn new things, is this true? Are there any other bits of trivia about dalmatians?
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As an ex Dalmatian owner, I agree they can be a bit loopy, but they have lovely temperaments, and would always be my first choice of bredd for a family pet. When I first had one, I only had a small fence round my garden and someone advised me that as long as I didn't teach my dog she could easily jump over it, she wouldn't work it out for herself, and it was true. Some people have managed to train them very well, but it takes patience.
They are the only animal, other than man, that suffers from gout. (it may be the only dog ratyher than animal, but it's true apparently). They were also known as coach-hounds.
Dalmatians were trained to run along with horse and carriages in the mid 1800s, and became known as carriage dogs. Their job was to guard from other dogs which would chase the carriage and frighten the horses. Fire departments also used dalmatians to guard their carriages and the dalmatian became mascot of the fire service.
Quite a large percentage (estimated at up to 12%) of Dalmatians are deaf. Animals with a large percentage of white seem to be prone to deafness - quite a lot of all-white cats are also deaf.
They are supposedly very distructive, chew everything, wreck the house - if true it is a shame because they are beautiful dogs.
All pedegree dogs are daft compared to mongrels.

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