I would call (two slices of bread) *one round* of sandwiches. In one caf� in my market they used to sell one piece of bread with filling etc as one sandwich - everyone used to think they were really cheap until they realised they were only getting half rations... then the arguments started ! Everywhere else - two slices of bread = 1 sandwich. Think about what a *sandwich* means....
Hmmm, depends where you cut the sandwich.If you cut in in half, then you would have 2, but if you cut it in the middle through all the stuff on it, then you would still have 1 sandwich...
Legend, I can't be as bored (or boring) as you. You've replied twice already!
But thanks to Jugglering. I always thought it was 1 sandwich, until someone pointed out that a sandwich made with one slice of bread was still a sandwich! Then, instead of bored, I thought I woudl pose the question to others.
Obviously legend, I should have just kept it to myself.
I would say its one sandwich but my kids would say two, Its the same with toast in my house, I was surprised when my son told me he often had 4 pieces of toast for tuck at school, I automatically thought he meant 4 slices of bread, but it was 2 slices cut in half...very confusing lol
Ahhh, but slooow_jo your son was right. He did actually have 4 pieces.
Peoples perceptions vary. Its like when you go out in town and you offer to buy a lady a drink. Some automatically percieve that you want something in return for buying her a drink. Very confusing things are women...