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Jaws on ITV

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tiggerblue10 | 00:39 Tue 29th Jul 2008 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
Great film. And the scary bit is about to happen!


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I've pigged out too much today so no nibbles for tiggles.
And it is supposed to take place near where I grew up-lol
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You grew up in Amity Island Pasta?
Long Island..which it is based on..
Question Author
Oh right. Is there such a place as Amity Island though?
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No-but there is in "Horror"
Question Author
Yeah I've seen Amityville with those funny looking bedroom windows! Creepy.
It's an actual town..
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I know Pasta :-)

Just those windows in the film freak me out.

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Jaws on ITV

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