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nytol folks

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legend12july | 01:48 Thu 31st Jul 2008 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
Been fun and games tonight

Long may it continue

All the best to icey pasty rabbs and all the gang tonight

adios xxx


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Adios. Schlafen Sie sehr gut. xxx
Nite,nite Leggy...hope you get your true name back ....Mwaaaaaah,mwaaaaaaah!! xxxx
Awright, awright, awright! Had enuf of you bleedin' lot hanging around me beat, I'm plodding around, as usual, and I comes across a couple of young vixens: one's doing German and 'tother bawling in English,,,,,,,,,wallop, wallop all over the heads with me trusty truncheon...begone with yous!
(((((((hugs)))))))) stewey--he's feeling a bit left out!
Mwah! there you go stewey - a big smacker back!

Night night everyone. xxxxx
Night sweetie..mwaaaaah, xxxxx

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