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knobster | 13:08 Sat 02nd Aug 2008 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
Dont worry mate all is forgiven and I did not think it was like you to be like you were last night. Now can I have some off the stuff that you was on last night toppy.


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Thanks there bedknobs, what a wild ride last night was, i was a fat bottom biker boy on a rocket ride to oblivion.
And three bottles of Grolsch didn't help.

To be really truthful, i give Legend bad press, but at least he is honest with it, i do it for as much effect as he does. It is just that i am infinitely more adept at doing it than he is, and he knows it.
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Question Author
Yea I know leg, some idiot on here has put you up for a knighthood. Question604052.html

Arise sir leg bend
As i said Kerrrrrrrrnoby,
Legend is a bounder a cad and an aardvark.
Question Author
But you cant help liking him a bit can yee
It is admitting it that causes a problem, i have standards you kerrrrrrrrrnow.
Question Author
I got a golden retriever you knoowwww
Hello knobby?

Topo i will box your ears you silly old t0sspot

Bite my ass

ooh al la laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
I find it extremely easy to dislike legoland.
Question Author
Well hello noddy you big brave boy you
If someone can assist you to your feet, and put that bottle down two.
Remember, one of my ancestors beat up the Marquis of Queensbury.

Come and have a go if you think your aardvark enough.
i suggest you neither go to holland nor windsor.

problem solved.

as for you being a pretentious t0sser ,

well cant help there .

diddy this help yieeee the nooooooooooooooooo�?�?�
Question Author
Leg at last the ED has given you the knighthood that you deserve

i am p�ssin my pants in laughter

you make whiffy look interesting
Question Author
Toppy you are not loggy by any chance are you? as you do sound a bit like him
It must be heartwarming to know that your minions idolize you so, eh Buckfast.
It is the spaces isn't it? The extended use of the enter key is the secret of your power and influence, no it's the Absinthe or the McEwans yeah that's it.
Who is loggy?
right t0ssergigot

ive toyed with you likea kid chasing the garden peas around their diner plate

now im bored with you .
idf you wanna continue this then follow me
failing that t0ss off to yourself

Can't cope eh?
Must be the Glenfiddich or the Famous Grouse, hold on, you are the famous grouse are you not, Stevie boy?

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