if they own it they hardly need an excuse, do they? But the only way to block trolls involves round-the-clock monitoring, and I presume there's no money to pay for it.
The expense of breaching contracts with advertisers. They would have to be recompensed for the loss of advertisig they have paid for over a fixed period.
Whats more I care about the random abuse of other users which goes unchecked in the smalll hours by a small 'party' of (ab)users.
I also on a personal note take exception to said night owls assuming -wrongly -that I would take on another persona and attempt to joing said nonsense -I am asleep and should I not be that would be the best sedative -it should be branded.
There you go Ed -more money making tips without having to do anything -get Smith Glaxo Klein to come on bored (sic) and they would be delighted -money for nothing !