How can I put cheque into my bank,(to be paid to my account) if I cant make it to the bank in working hours. Can I posted cheques to the RBS bank with my account details? I try to google it, but cant find any info. Thanks for answers!
I usually keep a supply of express paying in slip and envelopes and then just fill them in, pop your cheque in and post it through their letter box. Never had a problem yet
Dont understand really......... What is it expres paying slip + envelopes?? Where I can get it? I just have a cheque book from the bank. Can I just use normal envelope with coverig letter? Sorry, but feel like Im stuck.Thanks!
Fill a paying in slip in (have you got some at the back of your checque book) - put it with the cheque in an envelope addressed to your branch - put a stamp on and put in the post box.
If you don't have a paying in slip, put a note in saying "Please pay this cheque into account number 12345678 at sort code 01-23-45 in the name of Joe Bloggs"