what do i do if i think im pregnant &have all the symptoms but dont want to know if i truly am because i feel like if i am i will be an awful person &let all the people i care about in my life down some how. Even though the thought of being pregnant kind of excites me. My boyfriend is scared which makes me scared &my mother was young so i think she will be angry but still i am in more ways than not extremely excited.
can somone please give me advice?
I know it seems a bit like the end of the world, and i remember having that same excited scared feeling before i found out for definate (Im 6 months now)
my bf was working a 10 hour a week pub job (so we couldnt afford it) i was at college, and my mam was also a young single parent when she had me but actually its not as bad as it seems
my mam is extatic at being a grandma, its motivated me and my bf to move forwards in our relationship and its really not as bad as it all seems
but as said you can worry and ponder for as long as you like, but until you take the test then you cant move forward