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Re the porn link posted here

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Ethel | 19:25 Wed 06th Aug 2008 | ChatterBank
36 Answers
I reported the (ab)user to Photobucket as pornography breaches their terms and conditions and have received a reply.

It is being dealt with, with a view to terminating the account.


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Drisgirl it looks very much as you are trying to stalk me weirdo now hubby might not like that might he.
i do have children, 5 between me and the missus and yes i try to censor their internat use as a parent but i still expect them to encounter porn on here one way or another and then take the time to explain what thhey have seen
I mean ... Neither "is" good for the system.
Matrix... one is still here and has obviously been on the pop again..... Question606588.html

you expect them to encounter porn J5? You're serious aren't you???

So for example- if they were browsing the Disney website, you wouldn't be furious if porn was on there?

You may feel comparing the Disney site to here as extreme, but as far as I can see- this forum is advertised as a family freindly forum and I/ we should be able to allow our children free rain on here without fear that some moron with a brain the size of a walnut slapping porn for their personal kicks and giggles on it.
"brain the size of a walnut" PMSL !!!!!!!!!

That's a generous description of knobster, innit mate.
I can't speak for Johnny.5 but I take his point about uncensored medium. I was one of those who reported the links though, because I felt it inappropriate, irrespective on my views on censorship since frankly the posters should have had more sense.

However, much is said about this being a "family site" - I have seen far worse things on here than a bit of porn. I have seen threats, insults (provoked and unprovoked), bullying, gangs of people ganging up on others, people being dissed for holding different opinions, people being abused because they are disliked. Generally the sort of behaviour that would not be tolerated in a school playground, yet it is tolerated here. If I had children, I certainly would not let them on this site - not because of the porn but because of the absolutely outrageous behaviour of some of the members. And I would hate children to think that that type of behaviour is acceptable.

One only has to type a word into google to get a whole list of sexually explicit images, yet you get a nice set of general nastiness most nights on here.

Nonetheless, I do applaud Ethel taking the extra step of notifying photobucket.
Booster Girl, Snow White was a 5lut remember.
yes i am serious all the time there is a risk of a pop up appering which ever site you are looking at be it here or disney or even cbbc it used to be a major problem but now with the ever improving blockers and firewalls it happens a lot less frequently
I agree Boo -its the personal kicks bit that is sinister to me.
Johnnny -I would as ive said before been shocked as an 8yr old to see that -it was bad enough when i was told the facts of life later on to think my mum and dad had done THAT -yeuch.Thats the point -it could seriously cause mental scarring in a child -that may appear extreme but believe me -as adults we dont have the same mind set as children.its damaging.
i also reported the posts
by sir gravy ( i think )
it is never nice for some idoits to try to spoil a family site but even now carrying on about their posts expect they are chuckling all by themselves in their sad lonely little lives
That's the bloody frustrating thing J5- what's the point of having Site Rules and regulations when users who deliberately flount 'em turn up time, and time again, as large as large and twice as ugly??

wardy? Snow White....what??
-- answer removed --
M-A-T-R-I-X . .to answer your questions, YES, Sir-Gravy was removed from this site for his pornographic video. But he has returned and simply added an e to become Sir-Gravey. Alas!
I've reported this post and plus-or-minus 3 each side just to be safe. Sex. Disgusting.
I didnt see Gravitates-that was to no one in particular -but then he posts all over the place.I used to only remain on CB -that was until a kind gentleman gave me the gentle prod I needed to see the light -I barely venture into AB at all however I wont be pushed out by anyone so occasioanlly bob back on :).

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