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It's A crying shame......

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puss_boots | 21:33 Wed 06th Aug 2008 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
That cazzz1975 is not doing anymore of her famous trivia, she is/was the trivia queen. Hands up all who want her to bow out and end her reign with one final trivia...

I'll go first... nt_page/fcat/hands-up-color.gif



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puss - we don't want her to bow out, her trivia should return! xx
its had its day..much like madonna :D
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I want her to return as well. I just meant that if she was ending her reign then we should have one final good trivia.
No cazzz,
decking has had its day ;0) xxx
PUSS why ar'nt you helping to convert your yoville flat, ?
i think cazz is disillusioned much the same as me in that you would do some trivia get a paltry 12 replies while some halfwit making a joke about cancer gets 346 replies
yes, have to agree bob. its just not controversial enough.

also with all the fighting/cloning and font changing most quizzes get overlooked..sad but true

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Question Author YoVille flat is the bane of my life, I just can't get it right. Do I put a beach in my kitchen ? What do you think, or would it be better just to have a kitchen. Also I would like your opinion on the colour of wallpaper in my bedroom......sooo........come and see me sometime and we can decide together. xx

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It's A crying shame......

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