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which age?

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MiniN | 11:54 Thu 07th Aug 2008 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
Which age were you at your most happiness?

teens? twenties? thirties? forties? fifties? sixties? even seventies?

which age and why?


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For me middle twenties........lots of laughs, no commitments.....usual things that young people do.......but I suppose you have to grow up sometimes.........and each decade brings a different sort of happiness
surely you're most happy before teens when about 6 no worries in the world everything done for you and all those toys and games :-) Seriously my happiest was 20's and most memorable, But who know havent been through alot of 30's yet and who knows what life will bring.
christines right different happiness
teens - first crush
twenties - first real love/marriage(happiest day of your life)
thirties - babies???
forties - possible still babies and marriage
50's, 60's and 70's - Umm grandchildren?? lol
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Late 20's early 30's. Was making first real money own apartment and a very active social life. Then bought house, fell out with those friends and began caring fo mother. Been downhill since. LOL
I hated life until my late thirties then I was really really happy , wife chiuldren, good standard of living etc until last year when I got divorced.
I hope to be happy again like that one day because a good life is a privilege rather than a right and has to worked towards, so time I got my finger out and started sorting myself out:)
my late teens and early 20's-mostly because off my social life and care free attitude. Now im mid 30,s with a partner and a little boy so also v. happy now. Be a bit better in few years when im better off financially!!
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i'm in early 20's now so I was just curious when people feel they had it best
20's were good. 30's shaping up same way.
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