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squeak ... squeak ... pop !!

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joggerjayne | 19:05 Thu 07th Aug 2008 | ChatterBank
33 Answers
glug glug glug ...


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You don't get much in one bottle, do you !!! ???
No Jayne you don't. That's why I buy it by the box!!!!!

Bottoms up!
jayne can i ask, you say you work from home doing what?
Your question sounds like you have done a poo and the toilet flusher isn�t working properly.
Question Author
Yeah, I quite like a box as well Barmaid. Only thing is, is hard to keep track on how much you're going through.

Puddicat, of course you can ask. This is AnswerBank !! :-)

Nothing very intellectual, I'm afraid. I'm a freelance designer. If you want to launch a new range in a prominent place, say in a magazine, I design your promotional layouts, and book your media space (not touting there, or anything). I work in the fashion industry.

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Oh please, Octavius !!!

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No ... I don't work "in" the fashion industry,

That makes it sound a bit too glamorous.

I work "with" the fashion industry.

Wow - that's cool Jayne. What mags have you produced for? I did some work for Cosmo a few years back.
Question Author
Thanks Icey, although it's not really as cool as it sounds. working alone can be a bit of a bore, and I'm not great with my own company. I like to be with people.

I haven't cracked Cosmo (yet). Their rates are really high, so you have to get in as a feature, not as an advertiser, and it's a tough nut to crack.

You didn't work for the features editor, did you ? :-))
Tell me about the working on your own thing Jayne! I end up just popping down to Tescos to speak to another human being some days!
No hun. I submitted stuff on a freelance basis, and did a couple of reports on beauty/fashion stuff - one of them being toothpaste!! Lol. That brought the most money in actually!!
Question Author
Nuts. I'll bear the toothpaste angle in mind, then, LOL.

I see you're giving ziggy a bit of grief over on the other thread :-))
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I'll see you over there !


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