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drivel from the 1.6%er

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bobtheturkey | 23:27 Fri 08th Aug 2008 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
when making horlicks or ovaltine or other similar drinks do you spoon all of it in at once and then stir or some of it while intermittedly stirring, what percentage lies on the bottom of your mug after you have finished


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that's not DRIVEL bob it's sensible, theres an art to making ovaltine or horlicks, as if you chuck all the ingredients in at once you get a lump of ?.
we need more DRIVEL.
I used to eat dry ovaltine when I was young
Best cup of horlicks:

3teasp horlicks
1teasp sugar
milk to fill

method: horlicks, sugar & drop of cold milk, stir to cream. Fill mug with milk and microwave 1min.

Hey, so did i mixed with sugar :-)
are you one of the Mastercheffs terambulin, ?
-- answer removed --
not a mate of yours then LEGGY

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drivel from the 1.6%er

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