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... what fools these mortals be!

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joggerjayne | 12:04 Sat 09th Aug 2008 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
Stand aside: the noise they make
Will cause Demetrius to awake.

Then will two at once woo one;
That must needs be sport alone;
And those things do best please me.

Woo Hooo !!

And not forgetting ...

But hast thou yet latch'd the Athenian's eyes
With the love-juice !!

Waah Heeeeyy !!!

A Midsummer Night's Dream is on at the Little Theatre tonight. That could be a night out.



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You've been on the strong mints again aint you JJ.

A vodka a vodka a kingdom for my vodka or summin like that anyway.
-- answer removed --
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he he xxx
Ya'd be better off going to Dr Brighton if it's still there. :-)
Dr who? loggy
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To pull myself some gay skirt, logic? LOL

Couldn't get a ticket for Midsummer Night, so it looks like a night in front of the lappy with some buddy in a bottle.

Bottom :-)
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Bottom the character?

Or bottom as in butt?

the choice is yours

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... what fools these mortals be!

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