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In Shock!!

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hippyhoppy | 11:07 Tue 12th Aug 2008 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
Trying to pack my case for my holiday tomorrow and everything summery in my wardrobe is too big for me!! I can even fit into the dress that I wore on my 21st Birthday... Don't know whether to be pleased or not!! a) I've lost weight, b) I've got nothing to wear!!


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Welll alll you neeeds a few bikinis sarong or 2 and youre sorted .unless youre offf to thye arctic ??
I guess the bikinis are too big too hippy. I had a big summer sale shopping spree last week for my hols
Hey, hippyhoppy! I'm off on holiday tomorrow, too!

Well done on your weight loss even if your clothes are falling off! :) I've lost another stone and a half since my last holiday ten weeks ago, so everything's massive on me, too, but I'm tight and have been walking around in clothes sizes too big for me for months. I was hanging out my washing in the garden a couple of weeks ago and the trousers I had on just fell to the floor when I had armfuls of clothes. Not embarrassing at all(!) I refuse to buy new ones until I'm done losing weight, though.

Treat yourself to a bikini at the airport. Have a fab time away, hun! :)
Hiya, where are you off to girrrrl, somewhere hot? with a hot man or wot? lol

Congrats if you meant to lose weight (tho u dont need to) xx
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Off to Majorca in the morning for three weeks with the kids - sadly not a man on the scene at the moment, well not full time anyhoo....

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In Shock!!

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