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bobtheturkey | 22:39 Mon 11th Aug 2008 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
have any of you ever had one as a pet? i would like one, they are clean, happy in their own company and only need fed once a week, good place to hide my car keys as well


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You can only have one when you get to a certain age bob!
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yes 31 is perfect i believe
31, that's the bunny!!!!!!!!
Not very cuddly though are they bob?
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do i strike you as the cuddly type barmaid :)
I thought that you had a cuddle in there somewhere Bob!
Did you know that a fall could be fatal to your tarantula, the rump is very fragile, and can easily bust, causing the tarantula to bleed to death.

Makes a right mess of the Axminster.

Yes,we got plenty of indoor pets.Not the tarantula type though!
I mean the ones that make their hard to reach webs in the top corner of the room...Lol
Octavius, if one of those bleeders came anywhere near me, falling would be the least of its worries.

I have a shovel handy, just in case.
you might scare off the maid if you got one.
I fear it would eat the bunny!!
Sensible answer (coming from me, that's a first!) - I had 2 as pets, a Mexican Red Knee and a big brown, hairy thing from S. America (can't remember what she was at this moment) - they were lovely. Octavius mentioned that a fall can kill them - that's absolutely true, so it's best not to handle them too much. My S.American lass was called Octavia, btw! She lived for 10 years. Should've been longer, but I had some guests who were a bit over the top with their spray deodorant and poor Octavia died (she suffocated), so beware & don't use aerosol sprays around your pet spider.

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