terambulan you cannot be blamed for your ignorance so this reply is not meant to offend you.
However sas200 do NOT ask your GP, the provision of NHS dental services has nothing to do with them, most of them will not understand the ridiculous manner in which these services are commisioned (now will they care!!) or how to access them. GPs are VERY, VERY, VERY busy without having the added burden of something as trivial as this.
The PCT is resposible for commisioning NHS dental servbices and they are the point of contact.
***NB - most hospitals DO NOT provide dental services (certainly not primary care general dental services, which are not surprisingly provided in 'primary care' i.e. NOT in hospitals).
Some hospitals have oral and maxillofacial surgery units and some have orthodontic units,neither of these departments provide routine restorative dentistry and the former (Maxillofacial) are NOT dentists!!!!