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4getmenot | 15:12 Thu 14th Aug 2008 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
I have something stuck in my throat everytime I swallow I can feel it scratching, I have tried food to get it out, water, trying to make myself sick, what else can I do?


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are you sure somethings stuck and you havnt just scratched it?

bread used to work for stuck fish bones
Oh how awful, bleurgh, i hate that.
Try swallowing something as red says, even try some ice cream as it may be scratched to see if it soothes it.
Ooh you poor soul, hope it goes away.
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it might be just scratched, its really annoying. I cant think of anything I;ve eaten that would do that
maybe bruv dropped broken glass into your dinner last night!

I had that before - lasted for days. It's horrible. Mine just went on its own after a while. Just drink lots and eat bread cus that might push it down lol :)
Oh on mine I could actually see the piece of food stuck on the back of my throat near my tonsils so I tried to get it out with my tweezers think that might be how I got rid of it actually
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Mmmmmm never thought of that
My advice to all is live on smoothies.
Try a gargle with some honey and lemon, if its scratched it might soothe it.
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Would it work with just honey, cant stand lemon
I had a fish bone stuck once and had to go to hospital to get it out.

I used extra long tweezers and it was a very fine long bone!!

Not pleasant, as I started out feeling just like you did, eating crusty bread to try and dislodge it to no avail.
if you have not ate fish - i dont think anything is stuck. it is probably scratched and like every wound it will pass. I ate fish years ago and i got fish bone stuck in my throat - it went after about 2 weeks but i really should have gone to hospital. hope you feel better soon.
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No havent had fish. I ate a strawberry biscuit thing that all
I felt like that when I had scratched my throat -think I would go with the general consencus.If something was stuck your natural reflex would be to gag :)
Question Author
even if it fells tucked away to the side a bit
have you tried a hot drink

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