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armylad | 11:51 Fri 15th Aug 2008 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
I have been a little bit naughty. I put 1 and a half tea spoons of sugar in my tea as opposed to the regular 1 teespoon.
Just thought Id let you all know


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Oh well, it can count as a Friday treat!
Why would you class this trivia as an important thread?
Total t055er, another great waste of 30 posts per page all sh1te. Go and play with the electricty.
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What are you going to have for lunch?
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obnox please dont sink low to calling me names
I dont like it. It affects me gretly
please stop
ha ha ha ha This really is a good joke. wrong section
And lunch?
Question Author
funny what is pathetic? You arnt turning on me as well are you?
Question Author
i really like you funnygirl
please dont judge me on this one thread. I will try be more interesting I promise.
Sorry army lad, I didn't mean to imply that you were a worthless tw4t that litters the site with inane moaning. If at any point I gave you the impression that I think you're an irritating individual closely resembling a piece of female genitalia then you have my heartflet apologies.
Rancid little fragggle.
LOL @ obnoxious.
Can you say **** on here?
No you can't
Question Author
ok thanks obnox I feel a bit better niow.

at least you are man enough to admit when you were wrong and appologise.

thankyou again

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