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cutting edge relevance

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armylad | 12:36 Fri 15th Aug 2008 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
I decided to make another cup of tea But when I was making it I dropped the teabag on the floor. Well I picked it up, gave it a shake and now enjoying my second cup of tea of the day. Just thought you would all like to know. Slurpy slurpy


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Why did you think anyone would be interested in hearing about this?
So long as you followed the 10 second rule, it's all good :o)
go away and play with your soldiers little boy.
Who is armylad??

Is it Grav??
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Don't know. Doubt we ever will.
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squarnbeer i just thought with our new found friendship your eyes would light up when you see my name in the recent posts. I do aboput yours i like reading your stuff. we have a bond. It just really affects me when I see 4GS name on the recent posts because I am scared about biend called a paedo. Abnd just think the fear on poor leggys face when he sees the nasty man come up on the recent posts as he will be scared of more threats of physical violence from 4GS.

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rest well squaebeer mate :)

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