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ok its time

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armylad | 13:52 Fri 15th Aug 2008 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
to go. see you all later ABers cant wait to get home and log back on to see you all again.
especially you squerbeer,4get, red, and leggy I hope you are still alive when I log back on(just watch out for nasty men)


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The only thing nasty here is you.
Shut up!!!!! thats it you had your chance!!! Goodbye
its ok AL. Just cover yourself in tin foil, oh and some wellies

the bad men cant get ya then

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Oh and next time yo come on maybe we can see your real ame instead of hiding
the bad man got wellard
so much easier to say bye than keep loging in an out hey
Armylad disappears and
who else do you know disappears around this time for his lunch????!!!!!!!!!!
^ Who ?
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How about you don't bother logging on again armylad
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Well you can't blame me for thinking that!!!!

The similarities are just too much!!!!!
Question Author
well lets just say my original name began with a g.
We need more info than that!!

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ok its time

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