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"Hes been on my hip!"

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MillerTy1971 | 17:16 Sat 12th Feb 2005 | Phrases & Sayings
3 Answers
What does this phrase mean?


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I think this may be a misquote or mishearing of "He's been on my t*ts" as in "such and such really gets on my.... personally I prefer "that really frosts my underwear"

In The Merchant of Venice, Shylock says "Now I have thee on the hip" It's not a phrase that I've heard outside the play, but it seems to mean "i've got your bang to rights" (or the Elizabethan equivalent).
Shylocks speech I think is a wrestling term. When you get your opponent on your hip, it means that you can throw them on the floor and they can't stop you

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"Hes been on my hip!"

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