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I think I've got a cold

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tiggerblue10 | 17:26 Sat 16th Aug 2008 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
My throat was and still is a bit sore, my nose is running and I've got a headache which is rare as I hardly ever get headaches.

I can't take any more time off work as I was off for 5 months with work related stress for 5 months from September to February so I have to go to work. I really can't afford to go on to half pay so I have no choice! But then again if I do go to work everybody will say that I'm spreading my germs.

I can't win can I !


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Get yourself (or send someone out) to the chemist or the supermarket to buy some First Defence nasal spray... It's not cheap but it really helps you either not get the cold in the first place or get over it quickly. Lidl sell it too (a bit cheaper than the other places) ~ about �6.50 but it lasts for ages.
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I've got some First Defence but its out of date. It say 2007/10. Do you think it will be safe to use or shall I bin it?

Lol Invisible, I hate the smell of TCP. I tried to use that once for something else and I ended up gagging on the smell :-(
I would adjourn to the bedroom immediately with a large box of choccies and large bottle brandy for medicinal purposes and wallow!!!
Get some lemsip, add a spoon of honey and a lot of brandy... That'll soon see you right.
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Sadly I have no Brandy Funny! :-(

Or chocolates for that matter which is an even worse scenario for me :-(((((((
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I was addicted to Lemsip once. Lol
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Lol Invisible..................going, going, ggggggg
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ginger tea, it tastes like muck but it does work,

get a root of ginger roughly chop it, same with a lemon and a good glug of hunny. chuck the lot in a pan with water and boil then leave simmering, hammer a ton of it down, just keep topping up the pan. works a treat for me.
me too tigger, I woke up feeling like crap, I have a horrile sore throat and thumping headache

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I think I've got a cold

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