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Good Morning :)

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Eve | 07:45 Sun 17th Aug 2008 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
Morning everyone :)

Lots of rain during the night but looks like it's shaping up to be a nice day.

Trying to shift the tail end of my cold to see if I can get into work for a bit later to do some bits.

Hope you all have a lovely day :)


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hi jen,bensma and all----yesterdays rain here practically non-stop for about 12 hours-bouncing off the roads stuff -widespread flooding----awaiting announcement of hosepipe ban
Morning Jenna, Bad rain here as well during the night, looks lovely at the moment though.
I had the cold last week it was horrible, now just left with the usual cough. Hope you feel better later.
1000 mg Vitamin C, my friend the pharmacist says that will see the blighter off. Every day till it has gone.
Morning jenna, beejay, tickledtrout and topogigo
Rained here in the night but not particularly hard - nice out there now.
Hope the cold is soon gone jenna, I had a cold at Christmas and since I only get them every 18 months or so I reckon I should be safe!
lol beejay - it's probably the wrong sort of rain
Off cat-sitting now - see you all later
Morning all ..the sun has just come out here ..
have a good day ...
Hi Jenna & everyone-
Yes the rain! We were walking in that last night when we thought we'd been stranded for a lift home! Confusion on who exactly was taking us home, me, husband, sister in law. Then another sister in law flagged us down on the road, no communication! lol! Had a laugh! Today I 'would' like to finish decorating our hall, but that's not going to happen!
Apart from being tired, daughter wants me to dye her hair this afternoon. Think it's a lazy day ahead! xxx
Good Morning to you All. It is very early here and I can not sleep. Beautiful weather for NYC today. Going to a BBQ later. With 2 zillion channels, you'd think I could find something to fall asleep to on TV.

Jenna, are you getting ready for your trip???
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Oh yeah, planning our itinerary :) Still hasn't really sunk in I'm going!

We've got to go get our money soon but mum and da have said I could have some money early for my 30th in November which would be a great idea as it's so memorable and I can say to them they've paid for me to see the statue of liberty, go up the Empire State etc...
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I am so jealous Jenna, I would love to go to New York, Wanted to go for my 40th this year but couldn't afford that and Christmas in Oz

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Good Morning :)

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