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So & So Quiz

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Minoru | 17:11 Mon 18th Aug 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
8 Answers
Should not Q78 in this quiz "Colours may indicate Irish coppers" be 5,4 rather than indicated 5,5 and relate to an auxiliary force much abhorred in Ireland during the 1920s?


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I agree with you. I think the answer to no. 78 should be 5,4 (black and tans).

Have you solved questions 8 and 10. I am completely stuck.
What are 8 and 10? Maybe we can help.
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Thanks for confirmation hellomummy.
Re 10 this relates to TV comedy duo who were former teachers,
Re 8 a a well known pharmaceutcals company presumably formed by two brothers or father and son and ladybird is a president's wife.
8. Johnson & Johnson
I don't know what you are on about but ladybird was US president Lyndon B Johnson's wife
French And Saunders were both training to be teachers.
10 hale and pace
I do not think that the answer to Q78 is Black and Tans. Consider the colour(s) of the current police uniforms.

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