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Are my flock

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THE-MESSIAH | 17:27 Wed 20th Aug 2008 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
behaving themselves.


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false prophet

go forth and multiply

you deceiver of believers .

i am the messssssssssssssssiah
Don't know. Where did you leave them?
Hes no messiah

hes a glitter fan

loooking to c0ck his flock


Question Author
A true MESSIAH such as I am the only one.

Not a porn peddling jock on some Spanish Island.
But what have you got against ...

1. Porn (or are you a poof?)

2. Peddling (or can't you ride a bike yet?)

3. Scottish people (or are you a racist?), or

4. Spainsh Islands (or do you have a Sunshine allergy?)

... oh Messiah ???
No, forgive me father for I have sinned!
lets get the flock outta here
THE-MESSIAH sounds like a bit of a jesse to me.

Sounds to me like rev funk more than a messiah

bvut why would a bankrupt debtridden junky dj want to hide behind a name to sllag me ?

if i thought he wasa pathetic druggy bankrupt debtridden washed out dj plonker id just say it as legend .

Still massively unfunny.
Ah the CROYDON RUSKY following along behind the sh�t and scum on here .

What a saddo

must be pining for glitter

Ah legoland, pi$$ed and abusive as early as 6pm. Bodes well for the evening.
Ive said enough to you
The moral high ground again legoland?

(And pi$$ed of course)

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Are my flock

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