clicky joints in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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clicky joints

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andys15 | 20:50 Sat 10th Aug 2002 | Body & Soul
2 Answers
how come you can get clicky joints what hapneds to them in later life?
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I don't really know, but i suffer from clicky knees and i do worry about what they will be like when i'm older. It drives me nuts, everytime i stand up from sitting down they sound like a ratchet spanner. It's not painful as such, but just what i'd describe as 'uncomfortable'. I blame it on two things; too much football, and squatting too heavier weights in the gym during my 20's, but it's probably got a much more simple explanation than that. Like i'm getting old. (i'm 32)
happens to me too!! dont know how it happens but i got told cod liver oil is good for it. I play alot of football too so that seems to be the cause. It is very annoying!! Jonny

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