Mr O is on holiday this week, and as always when he's relaxed he constantly hums Noel Coward songs. It drives me insane and he denies he's doing it. Does your other half have an irritating habit?
nice try to change the subject but I feel they will all still be going on about it next week lol. I'm pretty much very lucky with my man. We've been through lots for me to not see any irritating side to him and be thankful he's around. x
The present Mrs Hughes has only one irritating habbit -
she either calls to me from another room, and by the time i have moved into earshot to answer her, she will have called at least twice more, and on a related topic - she converses with me when i am two rooms away so I can hear her voice, and am aware she is talking to me, but obviously I am too far away to hear what she is saying.
Other than that, she is wonderful - I wish I only had one bad habbit - and frankly, so does she!