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I'm as sick as a pig

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LewPaper | 07:32 Sun 24th Aug 2008 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
Life's so unfair and I've had enough. How come my sister's got two brothers and I've only got the one?


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Clearly there can be no possible explanation.

But I don't have any.

Will you be my brother please? Then you'll have two sisters, and your sister won't have any sisters.

It's hard being a boy.
why do you want two brothers lewpaper?? i have one bro and one sis!!
my work colleage has 6 sisters and one brother lol.
Question Author
Hiya joggerjayne. I wouldn't mind being your brother, but could I possibly have a different name to 'please' - it sounds so girlie.

more nutty nonsense on cb

quality innit �?�?
I have not got any brothers or sisters
Question Author
No? well mine are disappearing somewhere

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I'm as sick as a pig

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