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Good Mid Morning :)

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Eve | 11:29 Mon 25th Aug 2008 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
Yay for Bank Holiday Monday :)

Just been watching the "entertainment" on the street behind my flat, traffic wardens just managed to ticket 7 cars in one street!

Has anyone got anything nice planned for the bank holiday?



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Nothing im bored :( x
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Aww :(

I'm enjoying the quiet at the moment before back to work madness tomorrow after a week off and having to get everything sorted before I go on hols on Thursday so making the most of a peaceful day :)
good morning, glad to hear u got entertainment there, theres nothing in rainy old kent
got to work today but looking at the weather it's just as well.
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Fine and dry in Manchester at the mo, bit windy though, expect we will be in for the rain later.
I'm hoping to get my nails done (do you think the nail shops will be open?) and I just killed another pair of slip on shoes so I need to get some more. Oh, and a normal pair of jeans without creases, straight legs, massively low cut or hight riding waists would also be good.

I'm still looking for those tops that were in top shop that exposed the lower part of your back but I think I got interested in them too late and now I can't find one. :-(
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I'd have thought some nail places would be open, our market ones would be but not sure about small independant places but main city centre ones probably wouldn't want to lose out on business if other places are open.

Happy shopping :)
Afternoon everyone. Can't make up its mind whether it's raining or not here - got that light drizzle at the moment which could go either way. I'm trying to avoid doing the gardening so will find anything else to do!
Have a lovely holiday jenna and I hope you get your nails done china
I am glad to see you are enjoying the day off. (Most of you anyway). I am going to Manhattan today to the Central Park Zoo (never been-and I live here) and to American Girl, Fao Schwarz, Build a bear etc. Taking my niece, sure to be an expensive day for me.

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Good Mid Morning :)

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