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Gravy salt!

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KezleyBop | 23:14 Mon 20th Dec 2004 | Food & Drink
4 Answers
Where can I buy Compton's gravy salt in Liverpool? Cant find it anywhere!


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ive been searching for weeks i have found a good internet site.

you can buy burdalls gravey salt at 50p 100g

just did a search and 'Makro' came up as a stockist of it, liverpool's makro is just off the east lancs road at Kirkby. 

Following the demise of Burdall's Gravy salt in 2000 and of Compton's Gravy Salt in 2004 people are looking for an alternative.
Uncle Roy's Old Fashioned Gravy Salt is based on Burdalls and contains no extra ingredients like flour or artificial anti-caking additives.
It is available from shops all over the country and by mail order and via the Internet
lol Uncle Roy

Hello did hear there was a problem at the factory, fire or something i was told, but great news it was back on my morrisons supermarked this week for the first time for months so snapped up 4 packs only 42p each.

great gravy again this sunday thank goodness


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