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haysi06 | 22:08 Wed 27th Aug 2008 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
I know you are here LOL


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hows it goin wee mate x x x
Question Author
Awwww, am fine wee matey, hows your blimps LOL xxx
All the makings of a good discussion here.
blimps are doin good wee mate lol

Question Author
Good good, :D

Hope your family are well too xx
this discussion reads like an instant message.
I miss blu3wave
Question Author
And your point is??

Aww, ~Steggy, miss you mate, and hope to catch up soon xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
we are all doin fine wee mate,thanx x x
was over in ireland a couple of weeks back for a wee holiday, had a braw time (dirt bike racing,drinkin, horse riding, drinkin, canoeing, and a wee bit of drinkin)
same here wee mate, take care x x x x x
My point is that it sounds like an instant message discussion. You could try 'msn messenger'.
hi gem,
it is a thread from haysi to me, on chatterbank, we are/were chatting that is what this section is all about
if you dont like it do not contribute, simple
I do like it, I love instant messenger.
good gem,
glad to of contributed to youre enjoyment of the site
hawkwind paradox
Errm, Don't I get a mention?

Haaaaaaaaayyyyssssiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii :)

SteeegggGGGggggyyyyyyyyyyyyy :)

and not forgetting..........

whifffeeeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyy 'wibble'
-- answer removed --
pmsl @ this thread its a conspiracy
All good fun BB and I know Haysi and Steg -dont know where the consipracy aspect comes into play .I know they will pmsl at you pms at theml-if you know what i mean xx

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