I get asked to stamp and certify documents to say that I have seen the original when I haven't or to certify something which has a forged signature on it by my colleague. What sort of trouble could I get in? Could I be an accessory?
The amount of trouble you could be in depends on the nature of the documents and the use for which they are required but could be substancial. My advice is that you should not certify anything than you have not seen nor anything that you know is not correct. Your colleagues may not like it but you must stand up for yourself and not take part in such deceptions.
ok thanks, it's difficult to say no as it is my job, the documents are required for mortgage lending so its things like copies of passporty, signed declarations, copies of utility bills for proof of address or payslips etc.
and deception in that case. I'ts a criminal offence. If it's your job I would have thought it was your job to say no.
Would you jeopodise someone's career, ask them to certify falsified documents if you respected them? It's up to you but this is not good professional practice and you are putting yourself at risk.