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My " little" girls wedding

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PatriciaH | 23:22 Fri 29th Aug 2008 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
Is next week ( sat ) i am so looking forward to the day and hope all the planning / preparations will come to fruition .. thing is im a wee bit stressed , please send me all your good vibes to destress xx : )


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Good vibes coming your way Patricia! Hope it's a lovely day - your daughter will look beautiful and you will be the proudest mum in the world. Just remember to enjoy it!
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I can't believe it's come round so quickly!

Relax and enjoy it xx
P.S. - any chance of some wedding cake?
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Oooh, thanks Patricia
By the time I pick off the marzipan, steve, there won't be so much left!
We will expect to see photos btw Patricia

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My " little" girls wedding

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