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I just got up

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joggerjayne | 13:13 Sun 31st Aug 2008 | ChatterBank
15 Answers


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Afternoon lazybones -I am in full swing here -late night -early morning hmm :0)
-- answer removed --
Hi jayne

A good long one then �??
Question Author
Ha ha.

Okay Leggy ... I'll set them up, you shoot 'em down, LOL

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So anyway, coffee? yogurt? energy drink?

ive got some orange lucozade

Welll on offer are a rampant rabbit and some strawberry pssssy rub or the lucozade �?�

so whats your tipple?

Morning/Afternoon joggergayne! I have just had a lovely big fry up yuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuum Have a great Sunday Hx
Question Author
Thanks Leggy. I'll mention the pussy rub to You Know Who, ha ha ha (sorry, couldn't resist it ... as she keeps saying).

I think I'd better settle for the lucozade, as long as it's one of the sports flavours, and not the one you used to be given as a child when you were poorly.


lol jayne

its pssssssy rub

this is family site

tsk tsk

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gets wrist slapped (again!!)
Gentle or therell be no rubbing power cleft

lol : 0)
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"cleft" as in ... "cleft" ??
Ooops slip of the tounge thats your `palate not your wrist lol : D
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Hey WhiteBear !! x

"Lazy @rse"? Mmm, hard to argue with that.

But ... I did go for a 3 hour run this afternoon. I ran effing miles down the beach. My butt feels like ... well, you probably don't want to know really.

J xx

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I just got up

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