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sometimes i hate living alone

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joggerjayne | 04:56 Mon 01st Sep 2008 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
When I get a bad dream and I'm scared to go back to bed.

The confident facade crumbles a bit.

I know. Pathetic.


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Make yourself a cup of hot milk and relax.
You've missed a trick though sweetie.
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I know what you mean. I had a nightmare a while back, I was being held hostage, bound and raped, I woke up and was genuinely scared. I asked in Body and Soul what it could mean and someone (maybe Octy?) said it was a suppressed sexual desire! :o/

Someone else offered that I feel trapped somewhere in my life (yes, my job), so I went for that explanation :o)

Hope you're OK now x
Question Author
Thanks Lakitu. I've sat up with my lappy since the middle of the night. I feel a bit daft now.

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Hi Jayne. are you able to have a bit of a kip later? you must be worn out girl. I hope the day gets better for you.
Awww jayne
i know what you mean :(

lets all snuggle up together and all the bad things will go away 959892/

Hmm, if I'd known that I'd have come onto CB, I haven't slept all night either, I was sitting watching a move at that time.
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That's nice, WhiteBear.

Lakitu, it's a bit slow in the graveyard shift. You get a new post about once every half an hour.

Ah well then, glad I stuck to watching a movie instead then :o)
Don't feel daft Jayne :o)
3 times this past week I have had such bad dreams that I have woken up in a panic and it really isn't nice. 2 of the times was whilst we were away staying in a caravan so I didn't have the comp to come online to distract me, ended up reading a book!
I have put it down to worrying about going back to work today (back properly tomorrow) after 6 weeks off.

Things always look better in the morning and sometimes I can't believe the thoughts I have had when awake in the middle of the night (thoughts about dying that kind of thing)but it never enters my head during the day.
Make sure you get to bed early tonight and have a good nights sleep :o)
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Thanks wingnut

feels better

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sometimes i hate living alone

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