Colour of Mucus in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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Colour of Mucus

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andygeog | 15:47 Mon 21st Feb 2005 | Body & Soul
4 Answers

A colleague has just tole me that if your mucus is clear it's uninfected.  If green it is infected and if orangy then the infection is clearing.  Any truth?

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My mother has always led me to beleive that if the mucas is green then there is an infection so I would agree with your colleague
I'm no expert but I was in hospital with pleurisy a week ago, and they were fixated on the colour of anything I was coughing up! I got the impression that green/yellow was infection- ie- like pus, and clear was normal. If it was very dark it could be blood in the mucus, which is altogether far more serious. If in doubt, get a sample bottle from the chemist, cough up some mucus, and take it to the docs where they will test it for you.
Wishing you well Scarlett.
Also wish you well andygeog - if you're the one with the mucus problem.

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