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bums ?

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legend_mark2 | 12:55 Tue 02nd Sep 2008 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
Big ones , medium ones , small ones ?

Whats your favourite ?

I like medium to large , tv bum , could watch em all day : 0)

i am a




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tv bum?
Question Author
Tv bum , like i said , could look at it all day long .

D T H ?
here's a nice picture of one
J5- has the man in your picture got his feet on the wrong legs?
Do you mean TransVestite bums legend???
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no they are the only legs he has
Lol B00, the legs don�t actually look like they are with that body at all.
Medium and firm to answer your question leg.

If we are talking male or female bums then my preference for men's bums is sort of like those on sportsmen,I don't like skinny men and can't stand tiny bums on men.
surely that would be computer bum for you legend
lol BOO! Trust you to notice, bless ya!

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bums ?

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