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Security packaging..

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Sachs | 22:18 Tue 02nd Sep 2008 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
Delivery driver must have forgotten to remove it. What's going to happen if we smash it open? ( got mach 3 blades inside) Can see a little metal bit through the plastic box. Think it's alarmed. Can't get it open.


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nothing will happen...

the packaging is designed to set off an alarm if you try to walk past the sensors and leave the shop, it's already out of the shop so no problem.
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Great stuff!! xxx
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Husband is attacking it with a screwdriver! lol!!
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Soooooooo annoying those bloody packagings where you almost have to use electrical tools and security clothing to open the box! Especially annoying when it's children toys, and they want to get to it as quick as possible, and you end up spending half the morning trying to open the box and not lose a limb in the process!
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He's got it open max! I've been laughing at the sight of him struggling!
Well at least he didn't stab himself with the screwdriver! Not that I've ever done that...Ahem....
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:0/ xxx
if it happens again try using a strong magnet and a screw driver, used in the right places they just pop right open
Don't the security alarms go off when you go to a club then, chuckie? ;O)
the doormen normally turn me away long before I get to the security alarms in clubs :) you never had a chance to see if your "magnet and screwdriver" theory worked? :O)
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No, ohnoknowno, felt daft writing that. It's in what I can only describe as a dvd type security box. You know when you take a dvd to the counter and they are in a clear hard plastic box thing!
Lol!!!!!!!!! think I got your name wrong, how many nos do you want to hear!!!!
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Oh, no, noknow, I know what I meant knowno you know! :0))

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Security packaging..

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