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creative problem solving

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legend_mark3 | 00:14 Thu 04th Sep 2008 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
Anyone ever been to one of those american type motivational works courses.

You know where theyget those flip charts out and a mega sized marker pen.

Did you join in and think it was great ?
Or did you join in and think to yourself , what a lot of american missing you already bullsh�t?

Whilst obviously not saying it , as youd get marked down for being an individual.


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Over the years I have been on several training courses and interviews and they have become very Americanised over that time. In one interview we had to build a shape out of a kids construction set and decide who to rescue out of a flooding pot hole!

Having to present with a flip chart and pen, alone or in a team, never phased me. People see this and usually elect me team leader which does you no harm. Some people freeze with fear.

Bullsh!t mainly, sometimes helpful, but a nightmare for the shy if they have to 'perform'.
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Ive had to bite my tongue many a time at pizzaahut

and many a time
lets just say

i did kinda go offf on one

Never-thankgoodness...If I did now....I would either be bored silly,or sniggering under my breath. Not professional at all!
No, but someone i know well's set himself up as a Lifestyle Guru, witht the flimsiest of "qualifications". He has letters after his name, gained from some supposed American university. He offers courses on confidence building and how to appreicate your "inner self". Charges the earth for it, and people actually PAY!!!
yea i have leg
and they try and mess with your brain

the best bit is when they all jump up at the end and start shouting and singing

i was orf like a shot when they started the group hugs lmao

I once sat in a meeting for over 2 hours, after work, while a couple of very excited fellas with said pen and chart lectured us on different seals and o rings.

I had to use all my will to keep awake, and stop myself from jumping up and saying something along the lines of 'ffs this is of no use to me, I'm going home to my family and if I get the bloody sack, so be it'. But I didn't and I still regret not making a stand, literally.

My boss, who was present, apologised next day for putting us thru it. Crap boss, which is why he didn't stop it.
Welcome to my world. This is how every faculty meeting, workshop and graduate school class I take begins. We even now teach with with those chart/easel/markers instead of just relying on chalk board. We even have large chart paper with post-it sticky stuff on it. This costs $25 per pad as opposed to $6 charts without stickey.

Then we sing Kumbaya, hold hands and hug. Or at least that's what it feels like. I can join in and be the team player when I want to lay on the bull$hit or I can sit and grumble and roll my eyes with the best of them.
Why doesn't someone have the confidence to get up and say something - or walk out?!!
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Eng teach do you strip naked afterwards and run outside hug a tree and tell everyone not to smoke , then sit crosslegged whilst chanting at the moon ?
If they want to waste time and pay me to sit through it, who am I to quibble? I would be written up as insubordinate as it is part of my contract to attend these meetings twice a month.
Why not bring up the fact-AT the meeting-that you think it is a load of crap.....and that there must be a better way to conduct buisness meetings. Surely if most of the people think it is a joke-then it is not working.
I know many employers insist on these sort of things, but personally, I'd get bored and walk. I'd never be forced into doing something I wasn't happy with, job or no job.
you aint in the bronx are you EngTeach?

I am so used to it, that it doesn't even matter anymore. Sometimes we can turn the topic in the meeting the way our students get us off task. LOL We have told the admin after a meeting that we did not like the leader and why. Sometimes she listens and won't have them back.

I just hope my students don't feel the same in my classes.

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